Toyota 4Runner

4Runner is a vehicle made for those who are always yearning to get out and get lost. It’s also one of the last SUVs on the market that can take you there. So we launched a campaign that spoke that truth. Keep it Wild was our rally cry. We created online films, images and the world’s first off-road Google Hangout to demonstrate that truth. We launched online only through the power of social media, we doubled the 4Runner’s facebook fans in the duration of the campaign.


After the campaign had been running for a few months, we invited followers to participate in the first off-road Google hangout which allowed people to ask questions and view the 4Runner’s capability in real time.


We partnered with Chris Burkard, a well-known Instragramer and outdoor photographer, to create a series of images beckoning the outdoor enthusiast to Keep It Wild. We used these images on Instagram and Facebook to inspire the 4runner enthusiast to get out there. These images were also featured as posters in several outdoors magazines.

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  • Surf_Inside
  • Bike_Inside
  • TRice_Inside
  • Ski_Inside
  • Pedigree Adoption Campaign
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    The Goodlife Recipe
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